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Writer's pictureIdania Gonzalez, Sommelier/Brand Ambassador

Wine Trends in 2022.

Hello my friends! And just like that we are back...

Did you know that over the past two years, more people have drunk wine at home? Through the pandemic and in recent years in general, wine has been the drink of choice to help us celebrate the little and big things in life. 2021 brought both good and bad news to the wine world. Happily, the U.S. lifted tariffs on European bottles, drinkers cautiously returned to tasting rooms and restaurants, and we all continued to buy wines that we love. On the downside, extreme weather -floods, fires, frost, hail, and scorching heat- devastated many of Europe’s wine regions, reminding us that the effects of climate change in 2022 will be unpredictable at best. That’s why dozens of eco-friendly initiatives and wine climate conferences are slated for the coming year. In March, Grapes for Humanity Global Foundation will hold its first Rescue the Grapes Online Auction with Christie’s to raise money for organizations focused on helping winegrowers find lasting solutions. Many of 2021’s initiatives such as upscale wine in cans or lighter bottles, will still be with us in 2022, evolving with technological innovations.

Let's talk about some of the wine trends that we will see in 2022...

In recent years, wellness has come to the fore on everyone's mind. The wine we drink is no different. One of the ways that people, especially millennials, are incorporating wellness into their lives is by drinking low alcohol by volume (ABV) and non-alcoholic wines. You still get all the antioxidants and the feeling like you're celebrating, but in a healthier way. Organic wines have also become much more ascendant since we are all more aware of how our decisions affect the health of our planet. Wine drinkers have started looking for wineries to do their part in protecting the planet and our health. Organic and sustainably produced wines are becoming increasingly popular as people do their best to reduce their carbon footprint and hope that wineries will follow the example.

Many critics foresee an exponential growth for sparkling wine this year. Bubbles used to be reserved for special occasions, but now you can find sparkling wine almost anytime. Sparkling wine is incredibly light and fresh. It's a great side to a charcuterie board and all those bubbles make everyday occasions feel like a celebration. More restaurants now offer sparkling wine both by the glass and by the bottle. So bet on it... stunning new sparkling wines will hit shelves soon. On that note, more and more winemakers around the world are experimenting with a range of grapes and styles to craft quality bubbly. Nielsen Holdings data shows that fizz is the fastest-growing wine category in the U.S., up 13% in 2021 alone. Sales of prestige Spanish cavas climbed almost 63% in the U.S. for the first nine months of 2021. After all, people crave fizz, and there’s a Champagne shortage, which is pushing prices of that region’s bubblies higher.

According to predictions, 2022 will represent a great opportunity for our sparkling wines.

Sadly, cabernets and chardonnays are going to cost more in 2022. Smaller harvests in 2020 and 2021—Australia excepted—mean a shorter supply of wines in 2022. Inflation is also to blame. Rob McMillan, executive vice president of Silicon Valley Bank’s wine division, says wineries are paying more for bottles, corks, labels, and barrels -if they can get them. Supply chain nightmares include shipping delays and subsequent price increases of 50% to 100%. Overall, you’ll pay 10% to 20% more in 2022.

Wine-to-go will remain trendy too. During the pandemic, people spent much of their time at home and began ordering their wine online. Because we were unable to go out and meet friends, the need for a full bottle of wine was not necessary. States allowed restaurants to sell wine to accompany their food, and many states have made it permanent. Due to this fact, buying wine in small bottles or cans has become an increasingly popular option that seems to be here to stay.

Have you heard of 'orange' wine? Orange wine is created by processing white grapes in the same way that red wine is produced, without removing the skin. Orange wines have been known for 7000 years, they were made in Georgia and Armenia. At that time, wine in Armenia and Georgia was produced in clay or terracotta amphoras of 500 to 800 liters. The so-called kvevri, which remained buried beneath the surface. They are very trendy now in Canada and in 2022 it is expected to expand and become more popular in the US.

Orange wine is a white wine that’s made like a red. White grapes like Pinot Griggio, Riesling, or Chardonnay are left in contact with their grape skins after pressing. The juice extracts tannins from the skins, imbuing structure, body, and color (hence, ‘orange wine’) and is left to macerate in their skins in giant clay amphorae called ‘qvevri’. Below, note color differences between rosé tones and the ones present in orange wines.

As economic pressures mount, consumers will continue to balance the quality and quantity of the products they buy. Since the beginning of the pandemic, people have been re-evaluating how they want their lives to be and this has led many consumers to focus on the health and well-being of the mind, body and spirit. The way this translates to the world of wine is that consumers are willing to spend a little more money on a healthier, higher quality product, even if it means having less.

Restaurants have undergone so many changes that they have had to deal with the last two years. Now, with restaurants re-opening to the public, restaurant owners want to give consumers a great experience, but this may come at a higher price and fewer options. Everyone has had to grapple with the supply problems that have arisen in the wake of the pandemic. Restaurants are no exception. This has resulted in short wine lists and sourcing wines from wineries closest to home.

As in the past two years, 2022 will be a year of continual change and rebirth. The way we do everything is changing and this includes how we enjoy our wine. Whether locally sourced, organic, orange or canned, 2022 promises to bring the convenience and familiarity that comes with drinking wine, while embracing new and exciting options. Follow us and get to know more about it! The search goes on!

And that's all for today.


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